IN – Sasha Kurmaz (installation)
16.06 – 18:00 -> 00:00
17.06 – 10:00 -> 00:00
18.06 – 18:00 -> 22:00
OUT – Sugar-Free///Pungwe (performance)
17.06 – 16:00 & 18:00 (20min)
INFOS – www.bigbiennale.ch
Sasha Kurmaz (UA)
FR – «Mirror»: ce projet est aborde les problématiques des relations économiques et sociales de différentes professions. En explorant les rapports entre plaisirs et marchandises il s’agira de dessiner une critique du fonctionnement du travail dans une société d’économie de marché capitaliste.
ENG – «Mirror»: the idea of the project is to try to problematize the economic and social relation between different professions in society and try to explor of the process of pleasure as a commodity and a rethinking the logic of labour markets function within a late capitalist market economy.
MORE – www.sashakurmaz.com
Sugar-Free///Pungwe (NL/SR/ZA)
FR – La performance sera une collaboration entre ces deux collectifs qui abordent des questions politiques et économiques à travers des interventions performatives, graphique et sonores. A travers leurs actions, ils évoquent et formules des histoires critiques qui s’échappent des discours coloniaux et post-coloniaux traditionnels.
ENG – The performance will be a collaboration between these two collectives whose practice is centred around issues of political and creative urgencies with graphic, live and sonic methods of activism and performance. Central to both collectives is a concern to critically explore narratives and creativity that go beyond the confines of conventional colonial or even post colonial histories.
MORE – www.sugarfreepungwe.wordpr
Supported by Pro Helvetia, Mondriaan Fund, .perf
Hosted by the Embassy of Foreign Artists