mercredi 22 juin 20h30
studio ADC, Théâtre du Grütli 2ème étage.
Rue Du Général Dufour, 16
La performance / installation vivante, sera en anglais. Elle durera 2h mais vous avez la possibilité de rentrer et de sortir en cours, sauf pour les 30 dernières minutes.
1. to name or assign to a position, an office, responsibility etc.
While on an Artist in Residence program in Geneva, Branko Miliskovic’s main goal was to try to enter the United Nations quart following his basic concept, being an intruder (foreign body). Miliskovic went through several attempts to obtain a legal permission to get an access to the UN’s Ariana park as well as to the main building complex in order to make a photographic session. However, after negotiating for more than two months with several UN’s bureaucrats responsible for accreditations, Miliskovic’s inquiries were turned down due to inability to provide requested documents. In order to make a reaction and a firm critic against the UN’s policy of separating themselves with armed security guards and steel fence from the civilians, working as a secret society and parallely retaining the position of global peacekeepers, Branko Miliskovic has decided to make himself a new fictive Secretary-General of the United Nations, working and existing in it’s own dimension having an unlimited mandate. The idea came out after learning that current UN Secretary-General, Ban Ki-moon will finish his mandate on December the 31st, 2016 and that most of candidates for his position are coming from Eastern Europe, therefore, there might be a great chance that the new Secretary-General of the United Nations is going to be Eastern European.
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